This section outlines our policy relating to any personal information you might wish to provide to us when you visit our site.

Our business has been built based on mutual trust between our clients and ourselves. We have a duty to safeguard and keep confidential any information relating to our clients or their financial affairs. We will strive at all times to ensure that the information provided to us by the visitors to this site is also kept confidential and secure.

iMarkets will not collect any personally identifiable information from visitors to this site. Your visit to this site will record only the Domain Name Server Address part of your e-mail address and of the pages visited. Such information will be used to prepare aggregate information about the number of visitors to the site and general statistics on usage patterns.

Some of this information will be gathered through the use of "cookies". Cookies are small bits of information that are automatically stored on a person's web browser in their computer that can be retrieved by this site. Such information, for example, may be a user's password that is stored to avoid having to retype it during subsequent visits to a site. Should you wish to disable these cookies, you may do so by changing the setting on your browser itself.

We pledge to meet fully in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("the Ordinance"). In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. In particular, we observe the following principles, save otherwise appropriately agreed by the visitors:

the information collected from visitors shall be used for purposes relating to the provision of iMarkets services or related products;
information we collect about visitors will not be disclosed by us to any other party in any from that will identify them;
all practical steps will be taken to ensure that personal data are accurate and will not be kept longer than is necessary;
personal data will not be used for any purposes other than those purpose specified at the time of collection or other purposes directly related thereto;
personal data will be protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing or erasure;
visitors have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data held by us;
visitors' personal data is classified as confidential and can only be disclosed by us where permitted by the Ordinance or otherwise legally compelled to do so.

Requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held should be addressed to:

iMarkets Limited
12/F, Cheung Kong Center
2 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2122 3028
Fax: (852) 3520 3038

IIMPORTANT: By accessing this website and any of its pages you are agreeing to the terms set out above.